Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Life is a Laughter

Where has laughter gone from our lives?

Day to day, moment to moment we do multiple tasks at the same time without awareness of them. We hope, pray, feel, hold grudges, hate, cry, greive, repent, feel guilty, feel sad, lustful, desire, plead ...The neverending list of muti-tasking goes on and on.

We hardly notice it.

We lament about how we are not achieving what we want the most in life. We never ponder on what we actually need in life. That's another topic but out lamenting makes people mock at us.
Those who mock, pass satrairical remarks are themselves drowned in the deeps of mercy, guilt and same lamenting. They try to laugh but it's fake.

We try to laugh, give away our anger but we fail. We try to laugh at jokes but can't help making a remark about it. Something has curbed it.

We can do everything possible on the list to make us depressed and sad. Even if there is nothing, we can make ourselves cry...

Why not make ourselves laugh for no reason at all for Now??

So let us laugh. Let us laugh at all the foolishness. All the stupid things we do everyday.

Let us imagine ourselves wearing a makeup of a clown or some cartoon character. Let us laugh at ourselves. Our hypocricy, our becharapan, our sense and sesibilities, our prejudices and all that years of greif ...

Let us laugh for 5 mins even if we don't have any reson to laugh at all.

You will notice the things lighten up and you carry your day with smile.