Location: Between the eyebrows
Color: Indigo
Purpose: Intuition, Guidance, Perception, Connection to the Higher Planes, Spiritual Knowledge, Siddhis
Sound: OM
Pronounced as: UUM
Also Known as: Ajna Chakra, Aagya Chakra, Lotus Chakra, Shiv Netra
Tattva: Differentiating Faculty
It has 64 rays relating to the region of mind, ether (Aakasha, akasa). The six senses gets activated including the mind and penetrate all the corners of the world like rays. It gets activated by Dhyana (Meditation).
Symbolized by: The sacred 2 Petal Lotus.
The 2 petalled lotus is symbolic of the 2 brains (Left and the right brain) working in harmony, in the 2 worlds (manifest and the unmanifest). It also symbolizes the union of the IDA and Pingala Nadis and the Pituitary and Pineal Glands.
These 2 petals are shown as White.
Deity at this chakra: Siva, Shambhu
Third Eye is the Psychic center. It is the bridge between you and the Spiritual world. It is the center which helps in the manifestation of Siddhis when activated and used correctly.
Once you reach this center, you are liberated from the vasanas or the worldly things like, food, sex, power, success etc. It is the point of no return as the Union of God and Goddess (Shakti and Shiva) is reached. Once this state is reached one becomes neutral to all the emotions. They won't feel sad or happy, depressed or uplifted... They will be in the middle state. The state of complete bliss.
One's fear of death is removed as they know the ever-present existence of themselves which is not separate from anyone else. One has the choice of leaving the body at will. One become free to choose his/her own destiny. They can choose to help people by staying in the body or to be anonymous and reach full liberation themselves.
One becomes open to all the knowledge in the universe. One can feel the enhancement of communication, intuitive perception and awareness. One become the Master of Self as the opening of Third Eye is the level of Self Mastery.
Contact me for more information on the above. I also conduct classes on Chakra Balancing, Shiva-Shakti Yoga, Reiki, Karuna Reiki and Meditations.
Visit Ivedas.com for more information
Breathe in the White Light.
Breath out the White light.
Hello Mukesh
The concept of body not being Divine comes from the point where one feels guilty of doing certain things/acts of the body. The fact is that without the body one cannot realize the Divinity within. Body is the door to Buddhahood. Remember that even Buddha was not able to reach Enlightenment till he was considering his body as a block in his spiritual Journey. He attained Buddhahood only after he ate bowl of Rice pudding, made friends with his body and it's needs.
Body is a Divine temple. If one considers body as not divine than it is impossible to attain liberation.
I seldom leave comments on blog, but I have been to this post which was recommend by my friend, lots of valuable details, thanks again.
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