Translation: The Sanskrit word vajra means thunderbolt or diamond.
Pronunciation: vuh-jrah-sa-na
Make the thighs tight like adamant and place the legs by the two sides of the anus. This is called the Vajra-asana. It give psychic powers to the Yogi." Gheranda-samhita II.12
- The Thunderbolt or Diamond Pose (Vajra-asana) Instruction:The vajra-asana is a seated posture. Begin by sitting back on your heels and placing your knees, legs and feet together.
- Keeping the back straight place the palms of your hands down on top of your thighs.
- Breath gently through your nostrils and sit in this position for at least 3 minutes.
This asansa/ posture is the only posture which can be done any time of the day. This posture helps in digestion. So your digestion improves if you site in vajrasana immediately after having food.
It is this very posture in which Japanese sit most of the times. It is also a good posture for meditation and pranayama. Many Japanese Reiki Techniques require you to site in this posture for enhanced effects.
It is advised to sit in this posture because, your spine is erect when you sit in this position, which otherwise is not the case. And it is required to have erect spine during meditation for the maximum benefits.
If you see children, they naturally sit in this pose.
I saw a flyer regarding Osho at Chat Cafe/Mountain View. It mentioned some thing about your blog. Are you organizing a satsang or some thing?
My name is Ravi and I live in Sunnyvale. I am really interested in teachings of Rajneesh.
Please let me know.
Dear Ravi
I was conducting satsang evenings before. I am not conducting them any more. But yes, if one or 2 more people are interested we can organize evening satsang and Osho discourse sandhya once a month.
I hold other classes too. please visit reiki.meetup.com/264 for calendar of events.
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