Sunday, December 31, 2006
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Friday, December 29, 2006
Prosperity Mantra for the week.
Centered in the awareness of God, the universe gives abundantly, I receive gratefully, and I give again generously.
Thursday, December 28, 2006
sankalpa dhaarna
In simple words sankalpa is thought, intention, or will directed toward a specific outcome.
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Death and Dying
We have become so fearful of death that we see death as terror. There are so many movies on the terror of death. So many movies showing how people can escape death and achieve "The Amar Tatva" or the "Forever Life Element". But they all make human even more fearful of death.
The more fear he or she has of death, more and more he or she moves away from life. Fear of death leads to fear of life.
But death is a beautiful process if one can experience it with full consciousness. Experiencing the "Amrit Tatva" of oneself can be uplifting and you can reach enlightenment.
Death is not an end.
Death is the begining of new life.
Life is death. We are dying every moment.
There have been a custom of celebrating birthdays of people. Some people think that the are grown up so they celebrate it. Others think they are celebrating glorious years of life. But the truth is we all are celebrating the glory of reaching one more year closer to the truth. The truth of life. The onmipresence of change. The death. We celebrate the death of old years gone by, the old memories, pains and hurts, achievements and disppointments, time of love and hate, and all the things that have died. That we have left behind. We celebrate the death of diseased body, old patterns, and death of age we left behind. So we are celebrating death as the process of newness every time. Our body also celebrates the death of old, worn out cells by rejuvinating them with new refreshed, healthy cells. It celebrates with the glow on cheeks, shine in eyes, healthy magnetic individuality etc.
So let us all fill with the gratitude towards the process of dying. Let us know that death is not the destination. Death is the process of rejuvination...
Hey, but don't commit suicide by reading words above. Because it is not a celebration rather is a mourning. So celebrate life. Fill with love towards the feeling of death. You will see that your consciousness has risen and you are alive with life than ever before.
A new poem
Yeh duniya agar saath ho bhi le tau kya hai
mein kudh ke agar saath ho loon tau kuch baat hai
Teri dillagi mein, hud se bhi guzar jaaon tau kya hai
Yeh hud hi mit jaaye tau kuch baat hai
Meri ibadat kubool bhi ho jaaye tau kya hai
jo mein kudh hi ibadat ban jaaon tau kuch baat hai
khawaab aisho-aaraam ki duniya ke,
mukammal ho bhi jaaye tau kya hai
yeh antas ki awaaz, yesh pyaas
pata chal bujh jaaye tau kuch baat hai.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Life is a Laughter
Where has laughter gone from our lives?
Day to day, moment to moment we do multiple tasks at the same time without awareness of them. We hope, pray, feel, hold grudges, hate, cry, greive, repent, feel guilty, feel sad, lustful, desire, plead ...The neverending list of muti-tasking goes on and on.
We hardly notice it.
We lament about how we are not achieving what we want the most in life. We never ponder on what we actually need in life. That's another topic but out lamenting makes people mock at us.
Those who mock, pass satrairical remarks are themselves drowned in the deeps of mercy, guilt and same lamenting. They try to laugh but it's fake.
We try to laugh, give away our anger but we fail. We try to laugh at jokes but can't help making a remark about it. Something has curbed it.
We can do everything possible on the list to make us depressed and sad. Even if there is nothing, we can make ourselves cry...
Why not make ourselves laugh for no reason at all for Now??
So let us laugh. Let us laugh at all the foolishness. All the stupid things we do everyday.
Let us imagine ourselves wearing a makeup of a clown or some cartoon character. Let us laugh at ourselves. Our hypocricy, our becharapan, our sense and sesibilities, our prejudices and all that years of greif ...
Let us laugh for 5 mins even if we don't have any reson to laugh at all.
You will notice the things lighten up and you carry your day with smile.
Saturday, September 30, 2006
exercise to achieve Saakshi
Whenver you are walking, talking, moving, dancing jogging, whirling, stop immediately for a movement.
You movement stops.
But something still moves.
Watch the movement.
Watch the non movement.
Watch your body.
Watch that you which is watching the body.
Be aware af the presence of body.
Be aware of the presence of you, which is not body.
Watch your body as if you are watching someone else.
Continue your work.
Try doing this whenever possible.
Done atleast thrice in a day will benefit you by bringing more energy to your center. Many other advantages, though they vary from person to person.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Saakshi: Witnessing
Being available to this witnessing, dual arrowed consciousness lead to the knowing of existing and existant. This tell you that there is more to achieve. It constantly reminds you of a greater witnessing where witnesse and witness both disappear. All that remains is "Amness".
This further lead to Tathata. The final destination in a seeker life.
The blooming of Tathata is the blooming of lotus. The journey ends where it began. But it continues. The end becomes life. Tathata is "Isness". Tathata is "Total Acceptence". This acceptance is total because you accept gracefully and graciously whatever happens in the life. You become he event itself. You leave the laws of Karma behind. That is what Shree Bhagwat Geeta also says. When you become the "Karma" itself, you stop accumulating the Karmas and all that was there is balanced.
To achieve the state of "Total acceptance" on has to go through "Total awareness". That is the path.
Monday, July 17, 2006
Make a wishlist of all the things that you want to do in Future or wanted to do in Past.
Rearrange that List according to priority.
It is important that you write it down, as it has more impact. Nevertheless, if you are feeling to lazy to write, type it.
Take the thing at the top of your priority and do saome task to complete it today. Act today on it.
It's a challenge. You have been delaying it for a lot of time. Now is the time to act.
Act now!
Do gimme a feedback.
Friday, July 14, 2006
Reiki Teachings
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Your Story is Old
Sunday, July 02, 2006

See this photo.
Look atthe colors of the sky.
Feel the vastness of the sea.
Feel the silence within the call of the waves.
Feel the warmth of the sun.
Feel the love in nature.
Whenever you are ready, close your eyes and feel this vastness, stillness, calm and warmth within yourself.
After some time open your eyes feeling Loved, complete and whole.
Saturday, July 01, 2006
We have ceased to feel the love
"So there is this man wo is living in a house. He has a very big house full of windows and doors. But this man is afraid of so many things. He fears demons, bad things, fever, illness etc. He is like the frog in the well who doesn't know what outside world has to offer him. All he knows is darkness.
One day he accidently opens the window of his house facing east. It was early hour and sunrise was happening. He shouted with joy. He says,"Hurray, I have discovered light."
Suddenly he heard a rush of light entering his house and all windows got open. He was illuminated in the light. In this light he heard a gentle voice. It said, "My kid, I was always present there. You were the only ignorant one. All you had to do was open the window and let me in. You will never know me if you don't open the doors and windows."
The Man humbles and bows to this energy."
All I want to say is the we all have cease to open our minds doors and windows. We all are the culprits of this modern world. We are caged within ourselves by our self-imposing restrictions. We know that we have the power but all we have known is hatered, fear, indifference. We are unaware of the consequences of letting us free. We fear what may happen if we let ourselves loose. What may happen if we allow to love completely without expectations. We are all bonded laborers of society, religion and beleifs.
Lets open our doors and windows to feel that omnipresent love and divine. Lets us love and be love.
Monday, June 26, 2006
It is needed to take off the masks that we wear.
It is important to get in touch with our inner being.
It is important to feel the love.
Sunday, June 25, 2006
today's Mantra
Hear the tingling bells
the eternity is showering
blessings and lovings.
Friday, June 23, 2006
So many people are in search of God. I must say that all the earthlings are in search of God, whereas all of us forgotten our true essence. Thus, giving rise to questions like,
"Who am I? Who is God? Where is God? What is God like? Is my God different from others? Why are there different Gods for different sects of people? What is the difference between all the Gods? If all the religion says God is One, than of all the Gods, which is the true God? How can I know myself? Saints say that they are Gods themselves. How can it be? How can I find the God in me? If all are born from God and merge in God, then why am I separate? Why is everyone separate from God? What can I do to reach God? I have sinned, will God ever accept me? If I find myself, will I find God? ..."
The questions never cease to bubble up. The answers by our religious leaders never satisfy us. Whats the way out? Where can one find such anwers? For sure, religious texts are not helping that much. Neither are the Gurus etc. Yet, there is a way out.
To be continued ...
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Meaning of Om Mane Padme Hum
Dear friends, this is the link, I recived from one of my soiritual friends.
Love, light and aananda
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Back in USA
I am questioning the universe, as to what purpose do I serve in USA? My skills, my talent and the knowledge that comes from beyond is going waste. Why was I moved to USA by divine intelligence? I am even having doubts aboutmy teacher's words ,
"You supposed to serve greater purpose there in USA. India is your Janambhoomi, USA is your Karmabhoomi. You are supposed to help people with the divine knowledge and bring them out of the fear they live in."
Right now I may have doubts, yet, there is peace within. Mind may be disturbed, clouded by emotions but deep within there is a silence. Deep connection to divine and Divine Illumination to guide me on the destined path. There is no doubt about what is supposed to happen...
And this is where peace engulfs me.
I feel centered,
Sunday, April 09, 2006
The Five Percepts- Part III
It was,
"Close your eyes.
See yourself.
SEE your body and mind.
Feel what is going on in the mind.
Who is feeling aloofness, lonliess.
Now go deep inside you.
See your soul.
Be in that place you feel you/your soul is there.
Feel the space. Feel what's going on there.
Are there any feelings? Are there any thoughts?
Now shift your attention to the mind/ body.
Do this for few mins.
Watch the result.
How do you see/percieve yourself right now? Who is alone?"
Dive into this.
Just be with it.
Whenever you want to come out take 5 deep breaths and with a smile open your eyes, feeling loved, feeling relaxed, feeling whole.
If you want to Buy meditation CD Recorded in my voice, you may email me. There are 2 CD's. One is Relaxation and Healing. The other is Exploring Your True Self.
Friday, April 07, 2006
The Five Percepts- Part II
Five Tatvas
Five Devis (Divine Goddesses)
Five Senses
Five Vratas
Five Panchas (Pnachayat, a deciding authority in rural India, consists of 5 people/ judges. It is so because, it's beleived that God speaks where there is a group of 5 people in harmony, compassion and good thoughts)
As quoted in the Wilkipedia website related to Numerology, "Number Five is connected to sensual awareness in the form of the five senses as well as protection. It is also a number which represents service to others. It is highly analytical and has the ability to think critically, but can over-ponder an issue to the point that its significance is no longer relevant. This number governs our ability to think clearly and our intellectual capacity. Five represents openness to new experiences as well as new ideas. Seeking freedom, it is often the adventurer. Five is about pushing life to its limits. It is a multifaceted number with links to our state of physical and mental health."
Since the begining is important for any work, this thought occured in my mind. Let's start with 'Listing the five important things in life.'
These things can be people, work, things in general, attitudes, priceless emotions etc etc. Let us generalise this very first exploration of our life. Specific questions will flow gradually day after day.
Take time.
Take a whole day to think on these.
There will be lots of things that might seem important. It doesn't matter. Narrow them down. Ultimately, there will be only 5 most important things will remain. Now think on how, why and when did they become important. Go into silence and ponder on them. Recognise their power in Now. Be Greatful, compassionate and honestly recognise them. Feel the peace and calm. Feel the happiness they bring in now. Whenever you are ready, open your eyes with a smile.
Later on while discussion, one more question arised. It was how do you see yourself as. What do you see yourself as? How do you feel? What do you feel right now?
My student replied that she felt alone, loneliness. Something beautiful happened with that very thought of hers. A beautiful meditation came through timeless space.
Read on in the Five Percepts- Part III
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Five Percepts: Part 1
We started with remembering these five percepts. I will say they are six percepts, rather than just five.
They are modified from the old percepts as the new ones make more sense and add more power. They are:
Saturday, January 07, 2006
All are light!
Hmm, doesn't that make you ask few questions? Questions like:
- I know what this woman is talking about. I understand that. But how can I bridge such a gap?
- How is it possible that we all came from one source?
- Will we really become one with that source?
-How can I know that we are all lights?
- It's not possible, that the whole universe is in synchronicity. Is it? Etc. Etc.
Well, then lets explore the possibility of finding out some meditation that will help us feel united with the universe. The one exercise that will really answer some of our questions.
I remember one time while conducting session in the park, in New Delhi, something came from God. It was a wonderful meditation. Let me share this with you all:
All are light- A meditation
1. Sit in a comfortable place where lot of people are there. It can be a busy Market place, a big park, a mall...
2. Close your eyes and take few deep and slow breaths.
3. Feel a deep calm starting to surround your entire being.
4. All the noises and voices around you make you go deeper into relaxation. A state of silence and calm. You become more and more calm. More relaxed. Deeply and comfortably relaxed.
5. As you connect deeper into yourself, you start to feel a beautiful light surrounding you. The light of God.
6. This light starts to shimmer in your entire body. Each and every cell is illuminated with this beautiful light.
7. As you radiate with this light, you see yourself as a light.
8. Slowly and slowly, everyone around you start to shine a a light. Beautiful lights.
9. You are light. Everyone is light.
10. Feel the oneness. Fell the unity in the whole universe.
11. Enjoy this silence and unity.
12. Whenever you feel comfortable, take 5 deep and slow breaths. With a smile on your lips and gratitude in your heart, slowly and slowly open your eyes.
Friday, January 06, 2006
Modern Medicine and Wholistic Healing
Same has happened with the so called 'Schizophrenics', 'Bipolar','OCD', 'BP', 'Diabetes' etc. etc. . It's true that there are certain imbalances that create these Dis-eases in the body. But in my understanding, in the world of healing, to which I belong, anything can be cured and even genetic code can be changed by harnessing the true potential of natural and wholistic healing powers. The healing therapies like Reiki, Chakra balancing, Hara Balancing, Yoga, Pranic Healing, Kundalini, Qi-qong, Zhorei etc were based on the in-depth knowledge and understanding of Human Body, Mind and Energy.
Let me present to you a few general statements about certain things. I say generalized because it stands true in 80% cases.
- More and more people in US and around the world are getting obese. Apart from the fact that life has become easy and equipments are available for us to do the job, the truth is that obese people feel very insecure. To cover up their insecurity, they eat more. They eat more, gain weight and show to the world that they are also strong and big. That they cannot be harmed.
-Diabetes. People who have diabetes generally cannot digest the sweetness of the life. If anyone comes and says hello to them, is very nice, they tend to think that one must be having some work from them. We are not discounting on the fact that they might not be living healthy and must be eating lot of comfort food.
-Indigestion. This signifies that one is not letting go of the past or recent past. One want to hold on to the past, which is over.
The list is long. The only thing that I want to put across is that, the modern medicines cannot bring about the changes which are needed to be completely healed. They may have made wonder drugs to make one feel elevated, make one recover from the outer syptoms, but what about the core issue? After one leaves the drugs, one comes back to square one.