Saturday, January 07, 2006

All are light!

This world amazes every moment. Everything is so deeply connected, synchronized perfectly. Yet, we seem to be disconnected from each other. There is so much difference between us that we all suffer from inferiority or superiority complex. We often forget that we all are the part of same source, same light. We forget that we will all become one in that light itself. That's true.

Hmm, doesn't that make you ask few questions? Questions like:

- I know what this woman is talking about. I understand that. But how can I bridge such a gap?
- How is it possible that we all came from one source?
- Will we really become one with that source?
-How can I know that we are all lights?
- It's not possible, that the whole universe is in synchronicity. Is it? Etc. Etc.

Well, then lets explore the possibility of finding out some meditation that will help us feel united with the universe. The one exercise that will really answer some of our questions.

I remember one time while conducting session in the park, in New Delhi, something came from God. It was a wonderful meditation. Let me share this with you all:

All are light- A meditation

1. Sit in a comfortable place where lot of people are there. It can be a busy Market place, a big park, a mall...

2. Close your eyes and take few deep and slow breaths.

3. Feel a deep calm starting to surround your entire being.

4. All the noises and voices around you make you go deeper into relaxation. A state of silence and calm. You become more and more calm. More relaxed. Deeply and comfortably relaxed.

5. As you connect deeper into yourself, you start to feel a beautiful light surrounding you. The light of God.

6. This light starts to shimmer in your entire body. Each and every cell is illuminated with this beautiful light.

7. As you radiate with this light, you see yourself as a light.

8. Slowly and slowly, everyone around you start to shine a a light. Beautiful lights.

9. You are light. Everyone is light.

10. Feel the oneness. Fell the unity in the whole universe.

11. Enjoy this silence and unity.

12. Whenever you feel comfortable, take 5 deep and slow breaths. With a smile on your lips and gratitude in your heart, slowly and slowly open your eyes.


Friday, January 06, 2006

Modern Medicine and Wholistic Healing

These few days I have been helping a woman realise her next step. She is one of the most intelligent woman, most intense and passionate. Yes, she is passionate about making difference in the world. She was a victim of mental health system for many years. She was diagnosed as bi-polar at first, then schizophrenic. She was drugged for 25 years. All this while her body kept giving the messages. Her body kept on refusing the drugs. What she needed was a person to understand her. A person who would have asked her what made her imbalanced and fearful. A person to help her untie the knots of all that was holding her true potential as a human being. But all that the doctors and sytem did was to declare her mentally ill.

Same has happened with the so called 'Schizophrenics', 'Bipolar','OCD', 'BP', 'Diabetes' etc. etc. . It's true that there are certain imbalances that create these Dis-eases in the body. But in my understanding, in the world of healing, to which I belong, anything can be cured and even genetic code can be changed by harnessing the true potential of natural and wholistic healing powers. The healing therapies like Reiki, Chakra balancing, Hara Balancing, Yoga, Pranic Healing, Kundalini, Qi-qong, Zhorei etc were based on the in-depth knowledge and understanding of Human Body, Mind and Energy.

Let me present to you a few general statements about certain things. I say generalized because it stands true in 80% cases.

- More and more people in US and around the world are getting obese. Apart from the fact that life has become easy and equipments are available for us to do the job, the truth is that obese people feel very insecure. To cover up their insecurity, they eat more. They eat more, gain weight and show to the world that they are also strong and big. That they cannot be harmed.

-Diabetes. People who have diabetes generally cannot digest the sweetness of the life. If anyone comes and says hello to them, is very nice, they tend to think that one must be having some work from them. We are not discounting on the fact that they might not be living healthy and must be eating lot of comfort food.

-Indigestion. This signifies that one is not letting go of the past or recent past. One want to hold on to the past, which is over.

The list is long. The only thing that I want to put across is that, the modern medicines cannot bring about the changes which are needed to be completely healed. They may have made wonder drugs to make one feel elevated, make one recover from the outer syptoms, but what about the core issue? After one leaves the drugs, one comes back to square one.

I am not saying that the role of Modern Medicine in our lives is entirely wrong. But I would also like to emphasize the role of Holistic and Natural medicine. The fact is that today's medicine world, "The Pharmacuetical World", is not the answer to most of the so called diseases. Because, how they create medicines is a known truth. These medicines are created after dissecting the dead bodies, live animals such as rats and guinea pigs, who have no connection with the human body.
The answer for curing something is not drugging. The answer lies in the harmonious co-existance of the modern drugs combined with the natural healing practices, because they can complement each other. Large consiousness is required for the understanding to develop in Modern world about the disease, diagnosis and healing procedure, sothat healing can be whole and complete.