Sunday, February 18, 2007

The Third Eye

Third Eye: The Sixth Chakra

Location: Between the eyebrows

Color: Indigo

Purpose: Intuition, Guidance, Perception, Connection to the Higher Planes, Spiritual Knowledge, Siddhis

Sound: OM
Pronounced as: UUM

Also Known as: Ajna Chakra, Aagya Chakra, Lotus Chakra, Shiv Netra

Tattva: Differentiating Faculty

It has 64 rays relating to the region of mind, ether (Aakasha, akasa). The six senses gets activated including the mind and penetrate all the corners of the world like rays. It gets activated by Dhyana (Meditation).

Symbolized by: The sacred 2 Petal Lotus.
The 2 petalled lotus is symbolic of the 2 brains (Left and the right brain) working in harmony, in the 2 worlds (manifest and the unmanifest). It also symbolizes the union of the IDA and Pingala Nadis and the Pituitary and Pineal Glands.
These 2 petals are shown as White.

Deity at this chakra: Siva, Shambhu

Third Eye is the Psychic center. It is the bridge between you and the Spiritual world. It is the center which helps in the manifestation of Siddhis when activated and used correctly.

Once you reach this center, you are liberated from the vasanas or the worldly things like, food, sex, power, success etc. It is the point of no return as the Union of God and Goddess (Shakti and Shiva) is reached. Once this state is reached one becomes neutral to all the emotions. They won't feel sad or happy, depressed or uplifted... They will be in the middle state. The state of complete bliss.

One's fear of death is removed as they know the ever-present existence of themselves which is not separate from anyone else. One has the choice of leaving the body at will. One become free to choose his/her own destiny. They can choose to help people by staying in the body or to be anonymous and reach full liberation themselves.

One becomes open to all the knowledge in the universe. One can feel the enhancement of communication, intuitive perception and awareness. One become the Master of Self as the opening of Third Eye is the level of Self Mastery.

Contact me for more information on the above. I also conduct classes on Chakra Balancing, Shiva-Shakti Yoga, Reiki, Karuna Reiki and Meditations.

Visit for more information

Breathe in the White Light.
Breath out the White light.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Keeping your prana/ chi/ qi flowing easily

We all are made of energy. We intake energy and give energy. It is the energy (Prana) in our body that keeps us healthy and alive. Imagine, what will happen if the flow of Energy/chi stops.
We will die.

Yes, the moment this qi/chi/ prana stops flowing in our body we die.

So can you imagine what happens when this flow is interrupted by something? Yes, the flow is interrupted for sometime and then resumes?

Yes, you are thinking right. It stops the energy to reach vital organs. The cells do not regenerate and our body starts feeling uneasy. The dis-ease creeps in.

Ok, how? Our argument is that we keep on taking this Prana regularly, then how does it stop for a while?
Let's do a simple test.

  • Take your right hands index finger.
  • Keep in under the nose.
  • Notice your breath
How is it? Shallow? Can barely FEEL it on the finger???
Lets do one more thing.

  • Notice your breath.
  • Where is it going? How deep it is?
  • How fast or slow it is?
Hmm, what did you notice?
Breathing barely?
Breathing Shallow?
Barely reaching the end of the nose or the tongue or throat?

Yes, there you go. Did you get it?

So this is where the prana/chi/qi or energy stops flowing momentarily.
Let's do one more exercise.

  • Just make a list of what you all eat. Yes all that you eat for lunch, dinner, breakfast, snack...
What's the list like?
Bagels, pizza, canned food, frozen food, cheeses, coke, pepsi, juices, meat, food cooked and kept for days....
Hmm, Don't worry, everyone's list is the same...Almost similar...

Why did I ask you to consider this? The reason is simple. To help in increasing your awareness. Awareness about food habits. And what does food habits have to do with Prana? How are they related?
Well, we will go on to it.

Now check one more thing.
  • Look around you. Your home, your room, your office, kitchen, fridge.
  • Take a quick look.
  • Make a list of unorganised things in your surroundings.
  • Make a list of unwanted things around you.
  • See if your surroundings are clean.
  • Check if your surroundings are cluttered.

What did you find out? Is it clear? Is it cluttered? Do you need to clean? Are you storing junk? Does your surrounding looks like storage?
Hmm, think, think think. There is more to what and how prana is getting effected.


Breath is the vehicle of our life. Our life depends on how many and how deep breaths we take.
Breath nourishes our body, all organs in our body and mind. It is said in Indian Spiritual Texts that our years of life are decided by the number of breaths we take. Breathing properly or improperly decides how one's health will be.

So look inside.

Take a moment and notice the rhythm and pattern of your breath. How is it?Food:
Energy/prana and food they are in harmony. The food that we eat is also the source of energy, the prana. So what did you think, where do we get most of our energy from? It's the food that we eat. The food is full of prana. How much prana does one food has depends on how fresh it is. Yes, the fresher the food, higher the prana. So if we eat fresh food everyday, then we will be more energetic.

to help keep prana and chi in good order you should regularly do pranayama or practice deep breathing techniques for at least 20 minutes to 1 hour every day.
Meditate for at least 20 mins.
Eat light breakfast and Saatvik food. Saatvik food is the fresh, healthy vegetarian food. It excludes eggs and fish too.
Keep your thoughts clear. Keep your space clear. that mean keeping your house, room and office in order. Dispose things that are not needed.
Walk in the park at least 3 times a day.
Laugh whenever possible.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Vajra-asana, Diamond Posture

Posture: Vajra-asana, The Thunderbolt or Diamond Pose
Translation: The Sanskrit word vajra means thunderbolt or diamond.
Pronunciation: vuh-jrah-sa-na

Make the thighs tight like adamant and place the legs by the two sides of the anus. This is called the Vajra-asana. It give psychic powers to the Yogi." Gheranda-samhita II.12

  1. The Thunderbolt or Diamond Pose (Vajra-asana) Instruction:The vajra-asana is a seated posture. Begin by sitting back on your heels and placing your knees, legs and feet together.
  2. Keeping the back straight place the palms of your hands down on top of your thighs.
  3. Breath gently through your nostrils and sit in this position for at least 3 minutes.

This asansa/ posture is the only posture which can be done any time of the day. This posture helps in digestion. So your digestion improves if you site in vajrasana immediately after having food.

It is this very posture in which Japanese sit most of the times. It is also a good posture for meditation and pranayama. Many Japanese Reiki Techniques require you to site in this posture for enhanced effects.

It is advised to sit in this posture because, your spine is erect when you sit in this position, which otherwise is not the case. And it is required to have erect spine during meditation for the maximum benefits.

If you see children, they naturally sit in this pose.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Today's Thought for the Day

I AM surrounded by love.
All is well.
I NOW deserve love, romance and joy - and all the good that Life has to offer me.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Reiki and Kundalini: The same path with dfferent names?

Reiki is the art of healing oneself on many levels. It is a slow and effective therapy. Kundalini is the science of raising one’s consciousness to higher levels, experiencing the unification with God/ Almighty, following the set of rituals.

Reiki has been known barely for 150 years and Kundalini is the ancient practice of India. Both have originated from different cultures and in different times. These practices are mystical in nature, pointing to one source.

If a beginner looks at Reiki and Kundalini as two different therapies then they will be right in their own sense. But a realized person point of view and conclusion about these two practices will be entirely different. It will vary from one person to the other. For me, I honor both and see them as two streams of one ‘Ganges’. The similarity and the essence are striking in both spiritual traditions.
The only difference is that Reiki focuses on healing and Kundalini is Holy Union, Oneness.

Let us look at it from the point of view of Reiki. Reiki starts with the five principles of ‘Living in Today’. These principles are the basis of ‘surrender’ and ‘insight’. This is the classic approach to help the student realize that surrender is the basis of everyday life in action leading to enlightenment. Kundalini practitioners are also taught such principles in form of ancient teachings, hymns and poetry of great saints. They are tested. One of the surrender of their ego is to bowing in front of the master. They are also taught principles and techniques to let go of the anger, acceptance, realize compassion and be the same, thankfulness and live in now.

Reiki’s healing secret is to be the empty vessel through which the energy must flow. The core teaching of ‘Kundalini’ is the secret to become the hollow bamboo/ flute and let the God/Lord play his music through you.

Reiki further moves on to the attunement of the student who needs to learn it. Attunement is the process of lifting up the energies of one person. It clears and filters the elements not needed in the body. One is needed to meditate, relax and let go of the ego before the attunement. Attunement is the process that can be done only by a teacher who is authorized to do so.
It is same as the ‘Shaktipat’ in Kundalini tradition. The only difference was that the person had to clear his energies and be completely egoless, through the years of practice and strict regime, which he/she must follow under the teacher’s guidance. Once the teacher thinks he/she is ready for receiving the energy then only the ceremony takes place. Even in Reiki, there are teacher who refuse to give attunements to students whom they think are not ready for it. ‘Shaktipat’ elevates the person’s ‘Karmas’. Karmas are the energies of the past blocking the overall progress of any person.

One needs to heal, keeping the hands on the specific parts of the body. This aligns and clears the energies in those parts of the body. Most of the specified hand positions fall on the ‘Chakras’, a major part of study in Kundalini practice. ‘Chakras’ literally means wheel. These wheels are vortexes of energies in the body. These vortexes are formed where the maximum numbers of nerves meet.

So when one heals the Chakras starting from Root Chakra to the Crown Chakra, they are guiding the energy to move upwards. This is precisely the method of Kundalini to rise ‘The serpent energy’ starting from the base or ‘Mooladhara’ to the ‘Sahasrara’.

Even the very basic technique of breathing and calming is the act of balancing the ‘Ida’ and ‘Pingala’ nadis, which helps in raising ‘Sushumna’, the path on which the serpent energy moves. The only difference is the ‘Breathing practices’. While in Reiki they breathe through navel, in Kundalini practice it is the ‘Alternate breathing’ or the ‘Nadi Shodhan’.

One of the added benefits of Reiki healing is opening of the ‘Third Eye’ or the ‘Spiritual Center’. This helps in connecting to the Spirit World and guidance from beyond. It also opens up the vast ocean of untapped knowledge. This is easily achieved by Reiki but not understood as clearly. It is a ‘Power’ or a ‘Siddhi’, which is achieved by the practice of continuous ‘Saadhna’. Oncethe Spiritual Eye is activated, the practitioner also achieves the power to see and read auras, past, present and future of everybody around him/her. Though he/she has to practice continually, if possible under the guidance of a teacher. However, it maybe noted that the Reiki practitioners find this awakening of Third Eye as amazing and amusing in the beginning because of the ignorance about such a power. Eventually they will get accustomed to it and use it for the benefits of themselves and other people.

Last but the least the goal of raising Kundalini is to achieve ‘Enlightenment’. Reiki was brought in the world by Mikao Usui after he got Enlightened. So there must be some deeper roots to the Secret Power of this Healing Energy called Reiki. And the secret is revealed by the Reiki symbols.

Whether the path is same or different or the practices have their differences or similarities, the ultimate goal is to be in the ‘Spiritual Consciousness’, know that ‘Oneness’ and be that ‘Happiness’.

There is more to it. I will reveal more secrets on Reiki and ancient practice of Kundalini and Enlightenment. Keep watching for more. Do send if you have any questions regarding Reiki and Kundalini on

This article was written by Manisha Bansal (Ma Amrita), founder Ivedas. She is an ICRT( certified Reiki, Karuna Reiki, Yoga and Meditation teacher. She teaches all levels of Reiki & Karuna Reiki including Mastership, Money Mantra (Attract riches, be rich), Meditation, Laya Yoga (Schynchronisity), Laughter Yoga and Chakras on one to one and group basis by appointment. She also conducts Healing sessions and Treatments for those in need. She conducts classes in India and USA. Read more about her on

Read more about Reiki and Meditation on, If you want to learn Reiki, see the course description at

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