Sunday, October 07, 2007

Secret: Be Rich Live Rich Meditation for today

The Sun and Moon meeting


Sages of our times are rediscovering the ancient wisdom points today. They are in awe of the knowledge that sages of yesterday provided without discrimination. So many sages, Raj-rishis, Maha-rishis, Bhrama-rishis and Dev-rishis knew the art of bringing into form, the material from non-material. They were not the kings living lavishly, rather simple enlightened souls who knew the truth. They didn't need material things to satisfy their desires because they didn't have desires. Through their power they were able to manifest all the material things, when needed.

This is the power of being in the desire free state.

Don't think that I am telling you not to fulfill your desire, curb them. No!
Instead, manifest your desires, live them, experience them. So that you don't have any other thought in your mind. So that no other desire can push you to the road away from the truth.
The reason for living your desires is simple. For example one saint is telling a poor man to donate all his money, not to dream or desire of money, that poor man cannot do so. For he has never experience money and wealth, he has never lived that or collected it, where he can leave it or drop the desire of having it.

Therefore, you need to live that experience, go through it to know the meaning of having or not having something. When you have already achieved it, you reach that desire-free state.

So, lets try this simple meditation of manifestation, which a friend of ours, named Swapnil shared with us.

Do this exercise for 30 days and see the results.

Close your eyes.
Just imagine that your heart has a sun shining brilliantly.
See the moon also shining outside the periphery of the heart, 6-12 inches away from the body.
Now feel the moon moving towards the sun.
When it merges with the sun, ask for your heart’s desire. can be anything, car, house, good job, relationship etc.
See yourself living what you desire.
See that it is now fulfilled.
When you are done, bask in the feeling of completeness and gratitude.
Feeling happy and thanking your guides, open your eyes.

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